Product category

Winter protection

With autumn come cooler days, and nature prepares for winter. Sensitive plants need protection. Fleece covers and mats provide this protection, keeping plants warm and allowing them to withstand frosty temperatures. Natural materials like coconut fiber and sheep's wool offer sustainable cold protection. Additionally, binding cords and ribbons can be used for natural decorations, such as on the festive table.

Sustainable Products

Consciously protected through the winter.

Miscellaneous winter aids

Winter protection aids for plants: Heating mats, heating hoses & much more ensure warmth and growth.

Winter sheeting and fleeces

Wrapped in winter fleece, all sensitive garden plants such as roses or olive trees are well protected against periods of frost.

Winter covers & hoods

Winter protective covers and coats protect plants from frost and wind, prevent frost damage and dehydration.

Winter protection for roses

Our winter protection shields roses from cold, wind and dehydration. Durable and robust, it ensures healthy plants in winter.