Product category

Gardening aids

The dream of the perfect garden means hard work: attaching the young currant shrub to a planting rod particularly gently, saving the cherry harvest from fruit robbers, collecting and taking away the plant cuttings, setting up a generous tailor-made free run for the rabbits… the work is endless. It’s good to know that there is the right little helper for every situation.

Our gardening aids include binding material, garden waste bags, nets, meshes and grids as well as the appropriate accessories.

Protection for trees

Protect trees from game browsing and damage

Tying materials & clips

Multifunctional aids for all kinds of binding and crafting work.

Gardening aids

From irrigation and raised bed composters to plant labels and rain gauges - practical gardening equipment.

Netting and grids

Ideal for fencing, partitioning or securing outdoor areas.

Watering aids

Efficient watering solutions for plants - water- & timesaving

Pegs & Accessories

Perfect for attaching tents, awnings or trampolines - versatile helpers for every occasion.

Accessories for raised beds

More to offer with raised beds - foils, climbing aids & fleeces.


Whether for harvesting, growth or protection from pest, nets are ideal companions in the garden.

Plant labels

Keep track with versatile plant labels and give your garden an individual touch.


Organized and tidy with a wide range of garden bags for every requirement.

Accessories for netting and grids

Useful accessories for use with chain link fences, mesh and wire grids.