Product category

Garden design

 Our diverse range of garden design products ensures perfectly manicured outdoor areas. Lawn edging and natural bed borders made of bamboo or willow create decorative boundaries. Artificial lawn is ideal for high-traffic areas such as pool areas. Trellises and climbing aids with interchangeable attachments as well as gazing balls offer a varied garden decoration. This makes garden design fun!

Border and lawn edging

Decorative borders to frame your flower beds.

Flower & plant support

Good stability for optimum plant growth.

Artificial lawn

The low-maintenance lawn alternative with a realistic look.

Plant shelves

The perfect solution for space-saving and stylish gardening!

Climbing aids

Support and structure for plants in the garden - elegant growth assistance.

Lawn edge

Maintain order in the garden with clear lawn and bed separation.

Gazing balls

Shiny highlights in numerous colors for every bed.